What are we?
Executive Courses and training in CSR (see panel to right):
Thank you very much for a great ending of the CSR program. I think we all enjoyed the days together last week. I appreciate now to have a network of people who have been through the same learning experience that I have been. Overall I am happy I signed up for the program and have learned a lot. You have an incredible network and I think that is the real strengths of the course; to listen to all these experts in their field.
Executive from the six month 2010 MHCi CSR Advanced Certificate held in Geneva, Switzerland over Jan-June 2010 and being repeated for fourth time over Jan-June 2011
CSR is a strategic approach to running a business profitably. Many of our tools to do this can be found among our Monthly Features. See our recent article on: Strategic CSR and Competitive Advantage
How is your company or NGO or public department doing? Try our 20 questions that will test your organisation’s CSR. In 2 minutes you can rate your company or organisation against some of the best companies in the world. Known as CRITICS a result is given to you immediately. See also our Measurement Concepts which describes the conceptual basis of CRITICS.
Confused by all the terminology Our Definitions will help you out.
Working hard in CSR but need some help for your Company? Then Contact Us or sign-up for one of our CSR Executive Briefings. We pride ourselves on clear, look professional advice and pertinent solutions. We have over twenty years in CSR working with companies of all sizes – Large, Medium and Small and all over the world from BP to Addax Petroleum to BAT to Dubai World – some of this will be relevant to you.
Below are two lists: one states what we do and the other states what we don’t do so you can get a clear picture of what you can expect from us. These are then followed by specific examples of how we can help you.
1. What we do
- Audit or check out your company on its actual CSR situation and give clear guidelines for the next steps using our experience and best practice (see Our Clients)
- Advise you clearly on what steps you can take to increase your CSR involvement as part of your continuing business strategy, help you embed this in your organisation and guide you through the maze of international CSR (and related) instruments;
- Measure the effectiveness of your CSR activities – see MHCi Measurement articles;
- Write CSR reports for you as part of your marketing and PR activities (see MHCi Corporate Social Responsibility Publications )
- Make presentations / key note speeches on CSR or help you design and deliver your own;
- Run seminars on CSR (see Corporate Social Responsibility Executive Training and Forums ;
- Train in CSR at all levels of your company from your newest recruit to seasoned executive and help you devise an appropriate set of values and code of ethics (see Executive Training);
- Focus on particular aspects of CSR such as development, finance, the law, the media, SMEs, sport and sustainable tourism so have a wide range of business experience (see corporate social responsibility feature articles );
- Provide flexible CSR solutions that fit your company.
2. What we don’t do
- Make ridiculous claims or blind you with consultant jargon
- Overcharge you or over inflate our services;
- Rubber stamp your existing policies without checking them;
- Take your reputation lightly
- Have closed minds to the types of companies we are prepared to work with – and size does not matter, either
3. How we can help
A. CSR Executive Training:
MHCi will join you in researching how your company’s bottom-line can be improved through a complete strategy that encompasses all the company’s stakeholders. We will help you to determine the costs and benefits of your corporate social strategy in the following ways:
Three days (extensive) or one-day (compact) seminar to:
- Define Corporate Social Responsibility
- Tap the dynamics of Stakeholder Relationships
- Explore the concept of social auditing
- Visit Business Ethics
- Explore relevant case studies
More details in: Executive Briefings
B. Corporate Code of Ethics: Design and Implementation
- Develop and implement a Corporate Code of Ethics
- Analyse your corporate mission & values
- Identify critical areas in your company
In this area MHCi cooperates with Simone de Colle and his Q-Res system.
C. CSR – Measurement of impact
Apply the framework of CSR indicators (and/or GRI) developed by MHCi to:
- measure the quality of the company’s relationships with your stakeholders
- assess CSR benefits to your company.
More details in: MHCi Measurement articles
D. International Development and CSR
- Make your development interventions sustainable with MHCi unique methodology
- Evaluate your CSR projects
- Advise on your supply chains and labour standards
- Work with you to understand the best social investment funds
- Conduct labour market analysis (living wage, responsible restructuring)
- labour market information systems
- project appraisal