
MHCi CSR and Development issues are led by:

Jawahir Adam BA (George Mason, advice USA), ambulance MSt (Oxford University)

Activities include:

Applying CSR ideas to peace-building activities in conflict and post-conflict situations

Advocating for engagement of private sector actors in conflict prevention strategies

Evaluating humanitarian interventions, impact of  migration on host countries, development programs, human rights and gender issues

International experience:

Work has been carried out in many countries including: Switzerland, USA, Haiti, South Africa, Mozambique, Botswana, Malawi, Zambia, Yemen, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, Sierra Leone and Kuwait


  • EU, UNHCR, UNDP, DFID UK, CIBJO, UNITAR, World Bank, IOM, World Vision
  • Ms. Adam frequently writes and speaks about the crisis in Somalia and the need for a different

International approach

Selected keynote speeches by lectures delivered by Jawahir

  • University of Geneva, Switzerland:  Lecture on China-Africa Partnership and the Role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), 27 June, 2011
  • Shanghai, China:  ‘Africa and China Partnership and the Role of CSR‘ 23rd September 2010.  Conference organized by United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and CIBJO (World Jewellery Confederation), UN Pavilion, Shanghai,  China World Fair
  • Oxford University, Oxford Forum for International Development ‘Development in Crisis and Conflict’ Speech on the Somalia crisis, 6 February 2010 – see 2010 speakers list
  • Trinity University Washington DC, ‘Failed States and the Somalia Crisis’ 12 March 2009
  • Harare, Zimbabwe, conference organized by the International Office for Migration (IOM) and The African Capacity Building Agency on 25th October 2006: Presentation on ‘Migration and Development in Africa
  • London – Chatham House: 2nd September, 2005: Speech on the ‘Role of the Diaspora and Development for Africa – the case of Somalia’
  • Los Angeles – June 24th, 2005: Conference organized by the Somaliland Policy & Reconstruction Institute: Speech on ‘Clan mentality and its disadvantages

Selected Feature Articles by Jawahir
