MHCi clients
AccountAbility (London): worked on background papers to prepare AA1000
Addax Petroleum: Setting up a Foundation and CSR Strategy creation
Air Mauritius: Delivered training course in Mauritius on CSR and Sustainable Development.
BAT: Evaluating sustainable development projects
BT: training workshops on ethics and intranet training and information system on ethics (with LaMP) and new work on assessing CSR of their joint venture partners.
BP: brainstorming workshops on CSR indicators and measurement
City of London Police: advice on initiation of CSR strategy
Club Mistral (Germany): leading international project on Sustainable Tourism
Ernst & Young: intensive training for Moscow office in CSR
Glaxo Wellcome (Italy): prepared ethical code of conduct, trained staff and produced brochures
Government of Qatar: Youth Employment Strategy for Middle East
Government of Azerbaijan and UNDP: Development of non-oil sector
GreenCampbellFisk (East Sussex, cheap UK): introduction and development of a company wide environmental and social programme
ILO (UN International Labour Office): Strategy paper for future ILO private sector involvement; Several papers on corporate social responsibility (CSR) for their global conferences; Adviser on CSR indicators; strategy paper for Asian workshop on CSR.
Industrial Society (now Work Foundation): social accounting for small and medium sized businesses
INTEL and MHCi have a strategic partnership to further Executive Education around the world on Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility
KPMG: setting up project to measure the relation between CSR and Business Performance
Manpower: training in CSR
Mauritius Employers Federation: workshop on CSR for CEOs of major companies in Mauritius
Nestle: CSR training
NEF (New Economic Foundation): workshops to prepare indicators for GRI (Global Resource Initiative.)
Price Waterhouse: work on relation between CSR and value drivers (business performance)
SEEDA (South East England Development Agency): advisory services on CSR
Stern Stewart: social accounting indicators and relation to economic performance
Salomon Smith Barney: social investment indicators and relation to financial performance
Telecommunications Colombia: workshop on social responsibility for senior management (Bogota) / guest ‘internet’ speaker on launch of new website
University of Geneva: setting up the University’s first CSR diploma for business professionals
University of Middlesex (London): setting up International Centre for Business Performance and CSR; organisation of many CSR specific seminars and conferences
UNDP: Strategy paper for UN involvement in the private sector written in 1995; Two background papers for 1999 prestigious Human Development Report on CSR, one workshop and one seminar in New York.
UNDP: CSR in the Western Balkans. Baseline study, interviews with institutions, companies large and small
Unilever: training in CSR
UNITAR: Developed and implemented first online CSR course and now operational on
US Chamber of Commerce: Advice on Global Citizenship Programme
Van City (Vancouver): workshop on social indicators for social accounting
World Bank: Moderated e-conferences on CSR (2003 and 2004); various studies in developing countries (China, Tunisia) as well as desk work in Washington.
World Conference of Muslim Philanthropists with the Non-profit Empowerment Foundation: Collaborating on a variety of CSR projects in the Gulf States and Middle East.