Brokerage Service

Brokerage Service and links to useful CSR and Sustainabilty sites

MHCi’s independence allows it to work as a broker for its clients. It helps them to find a passage through the increasing number of instruments and suggestions on CSR that have entered today’s arena. We also list useful sites on CSR:

AccountAbility 1000 promotes a standard for social auditing

Boston College’s Standards of Excellence helps to manage a companies’ community involvement

Business in the Community principles for corporate community investment and the impact of sustainability on business

Business in the Environment’s Index of Corporate Environmental Engagement encourages companies to make sustainable developments

Commission for Racial Equality sets a standard to help employers develop racial equality strategies

Commonwealth Association for Corporate Governance produces principles for corporate governance in the Commonwealth group of countries

Covalence is a Geneva, Switzerland based company that tracks the ethical reputation of multinationals by sourcing information from companies, the media and civil society. EthicalQuote allows you to browse CSR rankings and data.

csrwire hosts Washington DC based Michael Kane’s data base of over 2000 organisations and contacts in the field of CSR

Dow Jones Sustainability Group Index defines indicators to assess a companies’ sustainability

Environmental Protection Agency of the US keeps records of links to sites on business sustainability and performance measurement

Ethical Trading Institute has a base code for ethical trade based on ILO’s conventions

Ethical Corporation has a wide range of useful articles on CSR and advertises CSR jobs.

European Foundation for Quality Management Excellence has a model for organisations to achieve excellence

Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative is CSR for the oil, gas, mining sector

Global Compact of the UN in New York provides a number of tools for businesses to support human rights, labour and environmental standards

Global Reporting Initiative provides a number of guidelines to help companies become sustainable

Global Sullivan Principles of corporate social responsibility

International Chamber of Commerce guidelines for responsible business conduct

International Labour Office has a code of conduct for multi-national enterprises and suggest labour standards for its member nation states

Investors in People has a standard for improving an organisation’s performance through its people

Lifeworth is run by Jem Bendell and is a boutique professional services firm helping people contribute to and benefit from systemic social change. Its goal is to help you be an agent of a more passionate and sustainable world. CSR jobs are also advertised.

London Benchmarking Group has a model for corporate community investment

Mallen Baker has a regular blog and CSR news on his website and newsletter

MHC International has a model to measure corporate social responsibility and advises on a wide range of CSR issues

Natural Step promotes a common framework for corporate and local government sustainability

OECD Guidelines for multi-national enterprises aims to enhance their sustainable development

Sigma Project aims to provide sustainability guidelines

Social Accountability 8000 is aimed at certifying labour practices in companies, their subsidiaries, suppliers and vendors

Sustenare is a Portuguese based sustainable development and socially responsible investment consulting firm.

Sustainable Development Indicators are produced by an US Government inter-agency team

United Nations Environment Programme produces annual reports on benchmarking the sustainability of corporations

World Business Council for Sustainable Development seeks higher standards of corporate environmental management and sustainable development through its matrix of corporate social responsibility indicators
